Hand drawn Wonder Woman LOVE card ♥

Sometimes in this world, you come across a lot of people who drain you and you start to think that there are not any genuine lovely people left in this world except for your few close friends........ then BAMM!!.... Out of nowhere comes an angel from the other side of the world, a complete stranger who contacts you out of the blue and instantly a connection happens and before you know it you are good friends.

My beautiful friend made me the best love card ever and when I opened it I almost cried, ok I had happy tears but I am allowed to! admit it, it would make you overly happy, wouldn't it? 😅

The picture is me wearing a Wonder Woman costume, not because I wore this to a party last year, it has to be because I am a superhero, right? haha

Mishell is an amazing artist and if you ever have seen her art around London you would know what I was talking about, she now has an Etsy store called xmybestsundaydressx where you can buy her amazing weird and crazy goodies 💜 

Make sure you check her out. I think I may frame this picture.


Do you have that special friend who sends you goodies when you least expect it? 
Let me know below in the comments 

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